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Vado's courses are the only off the shelf courses that help learners apply their courses on the job. Each micro-learning course contains a detailed exercise that helps the learner apply the course on the job. Learners report that Vado's courses help them to do their job better. Most of Vado's courses are brandable/editable allowing clients to quickly and easily swap logos and color schemes to create courses branded to their organization.

Vado offers over 450 courses covering management/leadership development, employee business skills, sexual harassment and diversity. Vado's Integration supports: Automated content deployment to SumTotal LMS; Catalog support for browsing the Vado content; Content launch from SumTotal; Automated course completion.

To learn more about this, please reach out to:

SumTotal Marketplace Team

You are probably familiar with the research that shows:

•    70% of development happens on the job by doing and practicing

•    20% of development happens through mentoring and coaching

•    10% through formal training which includes instructor led workshops and e-learning courses

This research is intuitive as we all grew up with teachers, parents and coaches telling us to practice our spelling words, practice taking the shot, or practice our piano. They did this because they know that people only become great soccer players or great piano players by practicing and practicing.

The same is true for professional skills and competencies. No one is great at giving constructive feedback or negotiating or any other skill or competency by going through an e-learning course. The person needs to practice and practice to get good and become great!

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